Model Portfolios
Valspresso’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) investment technology has been used to build strategies and manage model portfolios and clients’ money since 2013. Valspresso’s AI analyzes all publicly traded companies on the U.S. major exchanges. This automated analysis includes deep fundamental analysis as well as a patented price sentiment analysis. Alpha is delivered through a combination of stock selection, dynamic tactical allocation, and automation. Valspresso has developed a series of model portfolios that have been backtested through multiple market conditions from 2004 to 2018.
Active Equity – Large Cap
Large cap companies (subset of the S&P 500) that meet Valspresso’s proprietary rules-based selection criteria. Tactically moves to cash to mitigate down market risk and back to stocks when the risk subsides.
Active Equity – Small Cap
Coming Soon – Small cap companies (subset of the Russell 2000 or S&P 600) that meet Valspresso’s proprietary rules-based selection criteria. Tactically moves to cash to mitigate down market risk and back to stocks when the risk subsides.
Active Equity – Concentrated
Coming Soon – Initial selection of 30 companies (with market cap greater than $1 billion) that meet Valspresso’s proprietary rules-based selection criteria. Tactically moves to cash to mitigate down market risk and back to stocks when the risk subsides.
Active Equity – Large Cap
Performance summary was generated by the Valspresso simulation system using price return data. Performance results do not reflect dividend. Performance results are presented net of transaction cost ($0.01 per share). Valspresso’s simulation utilizes a hypothetical reconstruction of how a specific account might have performed. Returns do not represent actual trading of a client’s assets but were achieved by applying a model retroactively. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Therefore, no current or prospective client should assume that the future performance of any specific investment or strategy will be profitable or equal to past performance levels.